Piero Capitini

Graduated in Economics in Pavia, Piero spent 9 years with Big Four Audit Firm, gaining experience of audit of multinational clients and listed national clients preparing financial statements under IFRS and US/UK Gaap.
He joined IAS in 2011 in order to strength its technical department and the compliance to audit regulations.
He is specialized in audit engagements, due diligences and forensic engagements.

Throughout his career, which has exclusively been spent in the Audit and Forensic sectors both in Italy and in UK, Piero has gained experience of a broad range of businesses, particularly in manufacturing and distribution, retail, luxury goods and food and beverage.

Piero is registered with the Association of Certified Accountants and with the Register of Auditors Piero is registered with Register Judicial Administrator, acting on behalf of Public Court and Public Prosecutor

E mail:
Mobile: +39 3420955006

Pierpaolo Sali

Graduated in Economics in Piacenza, Pierpaolo spent 15 years with Big Four Audit Firm and leading consulting firms, gaining experience of audit of multinational clients and listed national clients preparing financial statements under IFRS and US/UK Gaap, and performed several forensic activities in connection with companies’ winding-up procedures, due diligence, analysis of procedures and processes, business consulting support to the Top Management.

He joined IAS in 2017 in order to strength its audit and transaction service department.

He is specialized in audit engagements, due diligences,forensic engagements, internal audit.

Pierpaolo is registered with the Register of Auditors.
Pierpaolo is registered as technical office consultant for the Court of Milan.

E mail:
Mobile: +39.333/7016234

Milano, Via Visconti di Modrone 15 - 20122
Tel. +39 02 87046012